Dear Parents / Carers
On behalf of all the staff and children, I would like to extend a warm welcome to All Saints Church in Wales Primary School.
We are very proud of our school and, as a committed team, we strive together to provide the highest standard of education for all our pupils.
We believe that we are a successful school because of the close working partnership which exists between parents, pupils, staff and governors. As parents you play a vital role in the education of your child before and after he / she joins the school. We value the involvement of parents and appreciate any help and support you may be willing to contribute.
Communication between home and school is so important if children are to reach their full potential. The school has an ‘open-door’ policy and we encourage parents to contact us whenever it is felt to be necessary. Similarly, there may be occasions when we may request to see you.
As a school, we aim to provide a happy and stimulating environment which holds fast to Christian values and which enables each pupil to feel part of the school family.
‘As many hands build a house, so many hearts make a school.’
Ultimately, our goal is to develop the whole child and foster a love of God and learning across and beyond the curriculum. Thus, each child will realise that with learning comes faith, pleasure and a sense of achievement and wellbeing.
Yours faithfully,
Mr A. R. Williams
Head Teacher
| Dear Parents / Carers
Welcome to All Saints Church in Wales Primary School. We are very proud of our School. It opened in 1986 and has made outstanding progress in the intervening years. There are strong links with the Parish and Church of All Saints, links we have worked hard to create and maintain. This we feel is one of the aspects of the School’s life which makes it a little different.
All Saints School is a Voluntary Aided School sponsored by the Church in Wales. The aim of the education offered in the school is to enable each of our children to explore the place and significance of the Christian Religion in their lives, in the hope that this will make a distinctive contribution to the eventual search by each child for a faith by which to live.
To this end the Religious Education in this school, which includes collective worship, is in accordance with the teaching and practice of the Church in Wales and expressed through the appropriate Provincial Church In Wales Syllabus.
In this way it is our intention to meet your expectations as parents who have deliberately chosen a Church In Wales School for your child. We seek to provide the best possible education within the context of a religious interpretation of life and ethos, supported by committed and practising teachers and governors.
It is our earnest hope that when every child leaves All Saints School, they will have begun to discover a faith in God as well as the standard of education, which will always support and sustain them and serve as solid foundations for the rest of their lives.
Yours faithfully
Mrs S. Evans
Chair of Governors. |