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Presenoldeb / Attendance

Attendance at All Saints Church In Wales Primary School is significantly higher that the average across Wales. 

The school continues to introduce a number of initiatives and strategies to increase attendance. The class with the highest attendance is announced during Friday's celebration assembly and is then shared with parents via Twitter using #attendance

Callio Attendance Campaign


The Welsh Government is working closely with local education authorities and schools to highlight the importance of regular attendance at school.  The campaign looks at three bands of attendance i.e. Red - under 92%, Amber 93-96% and Green 97% and above. If you have concerns about your child's attendance please contact the school. Click the links below to explore the link between education and attendance

Targedau Presenoldeb / Attendance Targets


You will appreciate how important it is that children have a good attendance record and that they are punctual.

The school should be informed by letter or telephone if a child is absent. If we do not have notification then the absence will have to be treated as unauthorised, and we will telephone you to confirm your child's location.

Punctuality and good attendance are extremely important factors in the learning process.