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School Development

Each year the school works to prepare its 'Action Plan' for the year, this is called the School Development Plan.


In preparing the plan, we take into account the results of our own self assessment systems, including Teacher Assessments, feedback from Parents, Pupils and Governors. We also look at the National Priorities being put forward by Welsh Government and also national and international research on children's learning and schools.


We then prioritise the actions for the year to formulate our School Development Plan or SDP.

Our priorities for this year are outlined below:


School Development Plan 2024 – 2025



1. To increase opportunities to develop Mathematics & Numeracy across the curriculum. 

2. To develop writing across the school

3. To enhance the curriculum development & provision for all learners (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion). 

4. To improve identified areas of pedagogy to support pupil progress through consistent feedback and assessment.


